Central Morweh Roadblock in Boegeezay
Bogeezay, Morweh Clan, Rivercess County: People from Bogeezay block the main road passing through their town. The people have two logging concessions operating around them and one of those companies did some roadwork.
Speaking to the spokesperson of the town, the work – while it has made the path of the logging trucks smoother – has made it more difficult for smaller cars and motor bikes to enter their town.
They blocked the passage of the trucks and want the company to commit to repairing the entrance to their town before they can let the trucks through their "gate".
The people had two trucks parked, denying them passage through the roadblock as they waited for the companies to send machines to repair the town entrance. After a few hours, one yellow machine came by but unfortunately, it didn’t come for that purpose. The operator told the people that he was sent to do roadwork some other place so the people did not allow him to go through. He turned around and went back the way he came, which further infuriated the people.
This took up most of the day with the people consistently requesting for the repairing of the entrance to their town.